Stephen de Filippo

Composer, Vocalist, Musician, Educator

Stephen de Filippo is a composer and multimedia artist originally from the regional south-west of Western Australia, now based out of San Diego, California. His musical endeavors cover diverse settings, from galleries to concert halls and experimental platforms, showcasing works ranging from acoustic and electro-acoustic compositions to multi-media works and installations.

Thematically, his works often center on considerations of Australian culture and environment, self-reflection, and explorations of place and belonging. His compositions frequently feature experimental performance practices, detailed musical notation, and incorporate dense, textured soundscapes centered on field recordings, environmental sounds, and live electronics.

Currently a PhD candidate at the University of California, San Diego, Stephen previously served as a visiting fellow at Harvard University’s Department of Music in 2023, supported by Harvard’s Institute of Australian Studies, The Ian Potter Cultural Trust, The American-Australian Association, and the State Government of Western Australia.

His current musicological research investigates Australian nationalism through the lens of cultural cringe, delving into how Australian composers navigate the complexities of cultural identity and colonial anxiety through their music.

In addition to composition, Stephen engages in vocal performances utilizing a megaphone—a practice focused on amplifying liminal mouth sounds.

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Music | Performance | Teaching | CV

Fruit Map

Created in 2011, Fruit Map is a hobby project where I would chart local fruit trees, herbs, berries, and vegetables that I would find in the area where I lived. Many of the entries have quirky little descriptions and custom icons, documenting whether the fruit is readily accessible, or whether you may need to trespass. At the time I was interested in freeganism, and would regularly consult and update this map.

The map became inactive around 2013, and I have since donated all the locations to Falling Fruit — the global foraging map. However, more recently I have began putting in new entries as I move around the world.

